


九三学社社员,2009 - 2013年本科就读于西安电子科技大学,2013 - 2018年直博保研至中国科学院大学获工学博士学位,2016.10 – 2017.10 作为访问学者在德国Fraunhofer Institute和TU Darmstadt学习。





论文方面:发表学术论文30余篇,SCI检索论文20余篇,ICSP 2024最佳论文奖。

竞赛方面:多年带队、悉心指导学生积极参加《全国普通高校竞赛目录》中的A类竞赛获得“国家级一等奖”、“省级一等奖”等 20 余项奖励表彰,指导学生获批“国家级”大学生创新创业训练计划项目。



[1] 国家重点研发计划——空间引力波探测专项, 2022YFC2203800

[2] 国家重点研发计划,SQ2019YFC150159

[3] 教育部人文社科研究项目,24C10697014

[4] 陕西省重点研发计划,2020KW-06

[5] 中科院飞行器光学成像与测量技术重点实验室开放基金,2023-006

[6] 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目,22JK058

[7] 中国科学院大学博士联合培养项目,UCAS[2015]37

[8] 西北大学校级实验项目, 模块化嵌入式系统实验教具

[9] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61875257


[1] Wei Zhou※, Xinzhe Shi, Yunfeng She, Kunlong Liu, Yongqin Zhang. “Semi-supervised Single-view 3D Reconstruction via Multi Shape Prior Fusion Strategy and Self-Attention”, Computers & Graphics. (2024).

[2] Wei Zhou※, Weiwei Jin, Qian Wang, Kunlong Liu, Yunfeng She, Yongxiang Yu and Caiwen Ma. Unveiling the Power of Dual Positional Encoding in Point Cloud Learning with DPAtteNet. The 17th lEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2024), 2024. (Oral Presentation).

[3] Wei Zhou※, Weiwei Jin, Qian Wang, Kunlong Liu, Yunfeng She, Yongxiang Yu and Caiwen Ma. Global Mask Autoencoder for Streamlined Point Cloud Learning and Voxel Token Integration. The 17th lEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2024), 2024. (Oral Presentation).

[4] Wei Zhou※, Kunlong Liu, Weiwei Jin, Qian Wang, Yunfeng She, Yongxiang Yu and Caiwen Ma. Revolutionizing Point Cloud Classification with Multiview Self-Supervised Learning. The 17th lEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2024), 2024. (Oral Presentation).

[5] Wei Zhou※, Qian Wang, Weiwei Jin, Kunlong Liu, Yunfeng She, Yongxiang Yu and Caiwen Ma. SMNet: Surface Feature Extraction Network using Multi-scale Strategy. The 17th lEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2024), 2024. (Oral Presentation).

[6] Wei Zhou※, Yunfeng She, Weiwei Jin, Qian Wang, Kunlong Liu, Yongxiang Yu and Caiwen Ma. Enhancing Point Cloud Robustness through Cylindrical Coordinate Masking in PointCut. The 17th lEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2024), 2024. (Oral Presentation).

[7] Liang Ma, Xingxing Hao※, Wei Zhou, Qianbao He, Ruibang Zhang and Li Chen. A hybrid neural combinatorial optimization framework assisted by automated algorithm design, Complex & Intelligent Systems. (2024).

[8] Wei Zhou※, Qian Wang, Weiwei Jin, Xinzhe Shi and Ying He. Graph Transformer for 3D point clouds classification and semantic segmentation, Computers & Graphics. (2024).

[9] Wei Zhou※, Xiaodan Zhang, Xingxing Hao, Dekui Wang and Ying He. Multi point-voxel convolution (MPVConv) for deep learning on point clouds, Computers & Graphics. (2023).

[10] Dekui Wang, Jun Feng, Ke Liu, Wei Zhou, Xingxing Hao and Xiaodan Zhang. A Fast FPGA Connection Router Using Pre-routing Based Parallel Local Routing Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. (2023).

[11] Dekui Wang, Jun Feng, Wei Zhou, Xingxing Hao and Xiaodan Zhang. FCRoute: A Fast FPGA Connection Router using Soft Routing-Space Pruning Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. (2022).

[12] Enhui Chai, Li Chen※, Xingxing Hao and Wei Zhou. Mitigate the scale imbalance via multi-scale information interaction in small object detection, Neural Computing and Applications. (2024).

[13] Wei Liu※, Li Chen※, Xingxing Hao※, Wei Zhou, Xin Cao and Fei Xie. Offspring regeneration method based on bi-level sampling for large-scale evolutionary multi-objective optimization, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. (2023).

[14] Binlong Zhang and Wei Zhou※. Transformer-Encoder-GRU (TE-GRU) for Chinese Sentiment Analysis on Chinese Comment Text, Neural Processing Letters. (2022).

[15] Wei Zhou※, Xingxing Hao※, Jin Cui, Yongxiang Yu, Xin Cao※ and Arjan Kuijper. A self-adaptive learning method for motion blur kernel estimation of the single image, Optik. (2021).

[16] Yongxiang Yu※, Daojin Yao,, Jie Shi and Wei Zhou. Prestrike inrush current arc behavior in AMF vacuum interrupters subjected to contact plate slots, Electric Power Systems Research. (2021).

[17] Cheng Yao, Qinglei Zhao※, Zelong Ma, Wei Zhou and Tong Yao. Design and Simulation of an Intelligent Current Monitoring System for Urban Rail Transit], IEEE Access. (2020).

[18] Kaidi Wang, Xiuqin Su※, Zhe Li, Shaobo Wua, Wei Zhou, Rui Wang, Songmao Chen and Xuan Wang. Generation of non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence phase screen using intrinsic embedding fractional Brownian motion method, Optik. (2020).

[19] Guohua Geng, Jie Liu, Xin Cao※, Yangyang Liu, Wei Zhou, Fengjun Zhao, Linzhi Su, Kang li※, Mingquan Zhou. Simplification method for 3D Terracotta Warrior fragments based on local structure and deep neural networks, JOSA A. (2020).

[20] Xin Cao, Jun Zhang, Jianan Yang, Chunxiao Fan, Fengjun Zhao, Wei Zhou※, Lin Wang, Guohua Geng, Mingquan Zhou, and Xueli Chen※. A deep unsupervised clustering-based post-processing framework for high-fidelity Cerenkov luminescence tomography, Journal of Applied Physics. (2020).

[21] Wei Zhou※, Xingxing Hao, Kaidi Wang, Zhengyang Zhang, Yongxiang Yu, Haonan Su, Kang Li※, Xin Cao※ and Arjan Kuijper. Improved estimation of motion blur parameters for restoration from a single image, Plos One. (2020).

[22] Wei Zhou※, Caiwen Ma, Shenghui Liao, Jinjing Shi, Tong Yao, Peng Chang and Arjan Kuijper. Feature Fusion Information Statistics for feature matching in cluttered scenes, Computers & Graphics. (2018).

[23] Wei Zhou※, Caiwen Ma and Arjan Kuijper. Hough-space-based hypothesis generation and hypothesis verification for 3D object recognition and 6D pose estimation, Computers & Graphics. (2018).

[24] Wei Zhou※, Caiwen Ma, Tong Yao, Peng Chang, Qi Zhang and Arjan Kuijper. Histograms of Gaussian normal distribution for 3D feature matching in cluttered scenes, The Visual Computer. (2019).

[25] Xiwen Yang, Xingxing Hao, Li Chen, Dekui Wang, Wei Zhou and Wei Liu. A Novel Two-Stage Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Multiobjective Optimization. The 5th International Conference on Data-driven Optimization of Complex Systems (DOCS 2023), 2023.

[26] Yao Hu, Wei Zhou, Guohua Geng, Kang Li※, Xingxing Hao and Xin Cao. Unsupervised Segmentation for Terracotta Warrior with Seed-Region-Growing CNN (SRG-Net). The 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering (CSAE 2021), 2021.


[1] 第十一届全国大学生光电设计竞赛






[2] 大学生创新创业训练计划项目

1) 获批国家级项目立项,剪艺-图像剪纸转换技术,202110697150,魏浩文,康笑瑞,杨子阅,2021-9至2022-5,已结题

2) 获批省级项目立项,“新农商"扶贫助农电商平台,S202210697502,何铖俊,薛杨,朱泽昊,2022-11至2023-4,已结题



[3] 第十八届中国研究生电子设计竞赛

1) 西北赛区三等奖,基于深度学习的室内空间智能感知系统,王倩,石忻哲,佘昀峰

2) 西北赛区三等奖,基于3D点云深度学习的视觉处理辅助系统,金卫卫,王一凡,刘坤龙

[4] 第十二届“中国软件杯”大学生软件设计大赛


[5] 第十七届全国大学生软件创新大赛


[5] 西北大学2023年大学生光电设计竞赛



[6] 西北大学第十届“挑战杯”大学生创业计划竞赛


[7] 信息科学与技术学院第十届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛



[1] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)

[2] IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)

[3] IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems(TCAD)

[4] IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (TCE)

[5] Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS)

[6] Expert Systems with Applications(ESWA)

[7] International Journal for Light and Electron Optics(Optik)

[8] Scientific Reports (SR)


[10] IEEE Access

[11] Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering(VJSTE)


《面向对象程序设计(双语)》、《Java程序设计》、《Python程序设计》、《SAP ERP》、《人工智能》、《C++程序设计》





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