郝星星,讲师,陕西榆林人,于2019年12月从西安电子科技大学获得电路与系统专业工学博士学位。以第一作者/通讯作者在IEEE TEVC、IEEE TCYB刊物发表论文10余篇。
l 进化优化:进化算法是十分通用的种群优化算法,可以用来求解各类非凸、不可微以及不连续的复杂优化问题。主要研究如何设计进化算法来更高效地求解大规模优化问题以及昂贵代价问题。
l 多任务优化:不同的问题实例往往不是独立存在的,解与解之间可能具有一定的相似性,因此可以将不同的任务组合为多任务优化问题,再利用多任务演化算法进行求解。涉及下列方向:
1. 主要研究如何衡量不同优化问题或问题实例之间的相似性。
2. 设计更高效的知识迁移机制。
3. 研究在其他搜索空间建立多任务演化算法的可能性。
4. 探讨使用多任务演化算法求解实际优化问题。
l 组合优化:实际生产和生活场景下的优化问题以组合优化问题为主。主要研究下列问题:
5. 新高考改革政策下的高中走班分班和排课问题。新的高考政策取消了文理分科的高考模式,使得高中排课任务变得复杂。主要研究满足“6选3”、“7选3”以及全走班模式的分班策略、排课策略,智能分班算法和智能排课算法,以及排课系统。
6. 其他组合优化问题:车辆调度、项目调度、路径规划、约束优化。
[1] Xingxing Hao, Rong Qu, and Jing Liu. A Unified Framework of Graph-Based Evolutionary Multitasking Hyper-Heuristic. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 25(1): 35-47, (2020).
[2] Kai Wu, Xingxing Hao, Jing Liu, Penghui Liu, and Fang Shen. Online Reconstruction of Complex Networks From Streaming Data. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics In Press.
[3] Kai Wu, Jing Liu, Xingxing Hao, Penghui Liu, Fang Shen. An evolutionary multi-objective framework for complex network reconstruction using community structure. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, DOI: 10.1109/TEVC.2020.3020423, In Press.
[4] Xingxing Hao, Jing Liu. Mathematical Model and Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Chinese High School Timetabling Problems under the New Curriculum Innovation. Frontiers of Computer Science, 15.1: 1-11 (2021).
[5] Xingxing Hao, Jing Liu, Xiaoxiao Yuan, Xianglong Tang and Zhangtao Li. A Moving Block Sequence-based Evolutionary Algorithm for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation. 14(2): 85-102 (2019)
[6] Xingxing Hao, Jing Liu. A multiagent evolutionary algorithm with direct and indirect combined representation for constraint satisfaction problems. Soft Computing. 21(3): 781-793 (2017).
[7] Xianglong Tang, Jing Liu, Xingxing Hao. Mitigate Cascading Failures on Networks using a Memetic Algorithm. Scientific Reports. 6(1): 38713 (2016).
[8] Xingxing Hao, Hui Zhao, Jing Liu. Multifocus color image sequence fusion based on mean shift segmentation. Applied Optics. 54(30):8982-8989 (2015).
[9] Xingxing Hao, Jing Liu, Zhenkun Wang. An improved global replacement strategy for MOEA/D on many-objective kanpsack problems. In 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2017: 624-629, Xi’an, China.
[10] Meining Liu, Jing Liu, Xingxing Hao. A differential evolution algorithm for the resource investment problem with discounted cash flows. In 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2017: 1554-1559, Xi’an China.
[11] Xingxing Hao, Jing Liu. A new MBS representation for resource-constrained project scheduling problems. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2016: 217-224, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
[12] Xiaohui Gan, Jing Liu, Xingxing Hao. Emergency logistics scheduling in disaster relief based on a multi-agent genetic algorithm. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2016: 785-792, Vancouver, BC, Canada.