

研究方向:新型智能感知技术和 “双碳”领域的人工智能技术,包括光电传感器,神经形态器件及系统

在研项目:陕西省自然科学基金青年项目:基于氧化锌/钙钛矿复合材料的多模态融合感知器件,2024年01月01日 至 2025年12月31日,主持。



 (1) Rui Qu; Leideng Zou; Xiaofei Qi; Cheng Liu ; Changing the shape and optical properties of CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals with hydrohalic acids using a room-temperature synthesis process, CrystEngComm, 2020, 22: 1853-1857

    (2) Rui Qu; Mingyang Gao; Haonan Li; Xiaofei Qi ; Hydrobromic acid-assisted size control of formamidinium lead bromide perovskite quantum dots at room temperature, Optical Materials, 2021,113: 110776

    (3) Leideng Zou; Rui Qu; Hong Gao; Xin Guan ; MoS2/RGO hybrids prepared by a hydrothermal route as a highly efficient catalytic for sonocatalytic degradation of methylene blue, Results in Physics, 2019, 14: 102458


地址:西安市长安区郭杜教育科技产业园区学府大道1号  邮编:710127

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